I will vote against budgets that are unfair to you the taxpayer.
    Look at cost saving measures and work for you to minimize taxes, and be more efficient with services.
    Listen to you and use your tax dollars wisely for the services you and your family need. 

    Work to expand the commercial and industrial business tax base to bring relief to residential taxes.

    Fight for more land to be serviced for business development to speed up good job creation in Brooklin & Whitby.
    Promote and nurture the growing tech sector in here in Whitby to encourage high paying jobs right here close to home.
    Work with existing business to find their needs and encourage growth in the downtown core and surrounding area. 

    Brooklin & Whitby have a traffic congestion problem through town. Our town will only continue to grow. I will work to develop a transportation plan for the future in order to reduce congestion in and through town. 
    Work to improve transit through town, and to connect towns. Making the downtown core more attractive to new business and people who wish to live and work in the downtown area.  
    Fight to Remove the 412 Tolls, and make this a FREE highway to connect the 407 to the 401

    I want to work very closely with the local businesses in Brooklin. I do not want to see them having to close shop or move to other towns due to the costs.
    I will work to encourage new business and build our downtown into a great destination that people will want to come to shop, have a fantastic meal, or just enjoy our town. 
    Work to encourage new business to the area, and what they would like to see for transit, housing etc. 

    Speeding in our residential neighbourhoods is a huge problem in Brooklin & Whitby. I will advocate for solutions to help keep our streets and kids safe.
    Crime, car break-ins are also becoming a problem. I have heard many stories from local residences, and even had my own car broken into in my driveway.  I will work with you to address your concerns, to ensure increased police patrols, neighbourhood watch and other solutions to minimize these crimes and keep out town safer for everyone. 

    I will be a strong voice for our community with planning and development to ensure your views are represented.
    I want to be your voice on council for any issue, parking, old growth trees being cut down, community safety, snow plowing
    I will work for you to make sure your voice is heard and represented at council.
    I will provide regular communication through Newsletters, Online and Social Media. I want to hear from you!

votestevelee@gmail.com   •   416-895-2455   •   www.votestevelee.ca